02/07/2008 Media Use

Weekly hours of media use categorized by different mediums

Medium Category / Hours of use
Television / 28
Radio / 2
Recordings / 12
Magazines / 3
Books / 7
Internet / 35
Video games / 10
Total / 97

Before class, I never really thought about how much the media affects me and the amount of which I use these different mediums. Although, I believe that these numbers can be misleading because many of them are used at the same time which changes how you have to look at the total. The medium that I use most often, as shown above, is internet. This number seems a lot higher than the others, but most of the time I am using other mediums at the same time such as television, recordings or video games. I use the internet for a variety of reasons, such as entertainment, information, and communication.

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