02/11/2008 Control Room

The film "Control Room" reveals how great of an impact that the media has on its own culture and how they can twist different subjects to get across the message that they want their viewers to see. It also proves that the highly advaced nations, like America, are not the only places that the mass media has an effect on its citizens.

Before watching this film, I never really realized how biased our nation's news stations could be, and the overwhelming affect that it has on us. The film shows coverage of the Iraq war from the view point of AlJazeera, Iraq's leading news source. What they report as news is biased toward what they want their people to see. They show all of the negatives of the war that are happening to their people and country, but never show how the war is helping their country. Watching this film and seeing how they are showing this biased view actually shows us how are news coverage is just as biased. All we show is how our country is trying to liberate Iraq and bring democracy to the rest of the world.

So now matter where you are or who's news you are watching, what you see must be taken with a grain of salt as it is always going to be biased.

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